
Claro News 21 Nov 17

Claro Top 10s

Well done to the Claro Podiums this week. At the Swinsty Event, Luke Parker was a comendable 3rd on the Brown course, Alex Robinson was 1st and Matthew Rochester 2nd on Green, Liz Rochester was 1st on Yellow.

Also well done to the first class teams who put on another seamless event at Swinsty despite some last minute challenges. Full results are here. Better just check if that lost compass isn’t yours.

Coming up

If you are aware of any events I have missed please drop me an e-mail at

Membership and JK2018

You may wonder why these are linked. In the November edition of the BOF e-news there was a reminder that your membership is due for renewal. Please remember to renew as soon as possible; the first price hike for JK2018 is the 17th December and I think you need to have renewed your membership to enter.  You did in previous years. Details are here.

Autumn Leaves 2017 and Winter Blues 2018

The last of the current series is on Wednesday 29th November starting from the Tap on Tower Street HG1 1HS for what promises to be a fast and furious event round the town centre and the street to the east of the centre towards Christ Church Stray. Full details are here. Registration is from 6:15pm mass start at 6:30pm. Cost is £2 Senior £1 Junior, HV /reflective clothing must be worn, torch essential along with pen/pencil. Can we beat the last 2 events’ record turnouts?

Richard Kirk is now looking for volunteers for planning the next series of event in the winter. These are ever so easy to plan; Vince has written some excellent instructions on the web and all those who have done before will be happy to provide advice. Richard can be contacted by e-mail at: