Claro Orienteering Club Constitution
Adopted at the first General Meeting of the Club, 4th September 1990. Amendments made:
- 9th October 2007 [3.1.8] and [10.2],
- 17th October 2012 [7]
- 10th October 2013 [5.1] and [6.2]
- 23rd September 2016 [7]
- 10th October 2023 [3.1.7]
CLARO CONSTITUTION amended 10 October 2023
1.1 The club shall be called Claro, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Club’.
1.2 The purpose of the Club shall be to encourage and promote the sport of Orienteering
The Club boundaries, for the purposes of the YHOA agreement on club catchment areas, shall be defined as that part of North Yorkshire to the north of the River Wharfe and the west of Dere Street.
3.1.1 The affaires of the Club shall be conducted by an executive committee (‘the Committee’), which shall consist of the Officers, elected members (‘Members’) and any co-opted members (‘Co-options’). Officers and Members shall have a vote each, Co-options shall not.
3.1.2 The Officers of the Club shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Fixtures Secretary.
3.1.3 There shall be a maximum of three members of the Committee.
3.1.4 The Officers and Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
3.1.5 In the event of a full complement of Officers and Members not being elected at the AGM, the Committee shall have the power to co-opt Officers and/or Members, up to the numbers defined in 3.1.2 and 3.1.3. These co-opted members shall be regarded as Officers or Members as appropriate.
3.1.6 If any vacancy should occur between AGMs amongst the Officers or Members, the remaining Officers and Members shall have the power to co-opt another Club member from within or without the Committee to fill the post until the next AGM. This person shall be regarded as an Officer or Member as appropriate.
3.1.7 The Chairman shall not serve as such for more than three years consecutively.
That in exceptional circumstances as defined by the committee, and provided the following conditions are met, the AGM shall have the power to waive 3.1.7 above to allow the Chairman to continue in office for future years, these conditions being: There are no other willing persons to take on the role & The current Chairman is willing to remain in post and has the support of the committee.
3.2.1 The Executive Committee shall meet and act as required for the efficient conduct of the Club’s business at least three times per year.
3.2.2 An appropriate Officer shall maintain a minute book and record in it the business of all meetings and the names of those present.
3.2.3 A quorum shall consist of not less than half of the Officers and Members of the Committee.
3.2.4 The Committee shall have the power to constitute sub-committees as may be deemed necessary.
4.1 The Club shall be affiliated to the British Orienteering Federation (‘BOF’) and the Yorkshire and Humberside Orienteering Association (‘YHOA’).
4.2 The Club shall recognise BOF as the co-ordinating body for the sport of Orienteering in Great Britain.
5.1 There are 2 categories of club membership for those who have paid the appropriate annual subscription:
a. Individual Senior,
b. Individual Junior.
Definitions of these categories are as defined by BOF and YHOA.
5.2 Fees for membership categories defined in 5.1 shall be decided annually at the AGM. The fee shall be due on 1st January each year.
5.3 All members of the Club present at a General Meeting shall have the right to vote at the meeting, except that groups and families shall not have more than 2 votes each.
6.1 The financial year of the Club shall run from 1st September to 31st August. The accounts of the Club shall be balanced at the 31st August each year and submitted to the subsequent AGM.
6.2 All cheques over £100 written against the Club’s funds shall be signed by two Officers.
6.3 The account for each year shall be audited prior to the AGM. The Auditor shall be appointed at the previous AGM.
6.4 On the winding up of the Club any residual funds and assets shall be dispersed of in a manner proposed by the Officers of the Club and acceptable to the YHOA Executive Committee.
7.1 CLARO agrees to adopt the British Orienteering Safeguarding Policy & Procedures.
7.2. All individuals involved in orienteering through CLARO at every level, including participants, Officials, Instructors/Coaches, Administrators, Club Officials or spectators (where it is feasible to manage) agree to abide by the British Orienteering Code of Ethics and Conduct (“Code”) and all such individuals participating or being involved in orienteering through CLARO in one of the aforementioned roles or in a role which comes within the intended ambit of this paragraph and the British Orienteering Safeguarding Policy & Procedures generally are deemed to have assented to and as such recognise and adhere to the principles and responsibilities embodied in the Code.
7.3. Each and every constituent member of CLARO including without limitation all clubs and disciplines, shall be responsible for the implementation of the British Orienteering Safeguarding Policy and Procedures in relation to CLARO members.
8.1 The Club shall hold an AGM not later than two months after the end of the financial year.
8.2 Notice of the AGM shall be sent to all Club members not less than 42 days before the meeting.
8.3 The agenda shall be sent to all Club members at least 14 days before the meeting.
9.1 An EGM may be called by the Committee or on written application to the Secretary, the application to be supported by at least 10% of the total voting membership of the Club. Such a meeting shall be held within 42 days of the Committee decision or receipt of the written application and shall only discuss the business for which it has been called.
9.2 Notice and agenda of any EGM shall be sent to all members not less than 14 days before the meeting.
10.1 Alterations to the Constitution shall require a simple majority at the AGM or any EGM.
10.2 Any amendment to the Constitution shall be proposed in writing or by e-mail to the Secretary at least 28 days before the AGM.