
Harlow Carr Sprints: Results

Final results here
Routegadget here
British Orienteering rankings here (Sprint 1) and here (Sprint 2)
Planner’s comments here
Photographs by Wendy Carlyle here
Lois Parker has made 3 short compilation videos of the action : 1 2 3
Are you in BOF’s blog about our event?

Tony Udris headcam of Sprint 1 and Sprint 2


Saturday 28th September 2024 – an afternoon event
Welcome to an extremely special venue for an orienteering event. Claro feel privileged to be able to invite you to explore these beautiful gardens while doing your favourite sport. We know we can trust you to treat them with the utmost respect and care, ensuring future good relationships.

We believe the full details are worth reading however if that really isn’t your bag…

Harlow Carr RHS, Harrogate, HG3 1QB. On foot or bicycle to gate into Harrogate Arms via path from Car Park 3 (SE279542, W3W skirt.unit.mile). By Car to Car Park 3 (SE280543, W3W analogy.paints.nurses). Then 100m walk down to entrance gate.

Arrive from 4pm. Briefing at 4.30pm. Starts soon after. Hot meal from 6.45pm. Prize-giving asap after all finished.

Bring a head torch in case of a dull evening for better map reading on your second sprint. Running shoes with a bit of grip may be better than road flats. No dobs.

Familiarise yourself with Do Not Cross urban mapping regulations, in particular flower beds (olive green) and shrubbery (darkest green).

Please aim to arrive between 4pm and 4.30pm. We are using a back gate near Harrogate Arms Cafe which we will man throughout the event. No access for orienteers through Harlow Carr Main Entrance.

Harlow Carr is easily reached from Harrogate Bus and Train Stations by bicycle (13 minutes), on foot (40 minutes – a pleasing walk up through Valley Gardens and the Pine Woods) or on the number 6 bus. There will be car parking available in Car Park 3. Accessible course competitors may park down the track from car park 3, just outside the gate into the Harrogate Arms Cafe. Everything will be signed.

We plan to hold a short briefing just outside the cafe at 4.30pm to explain the format and open starts thereafter.

First race with starts from approx 4.45-5.35pm. GO TO DOWNLOAD! Hand in your map. Second race with starts from approx 5.30. GO TO DOWNLOAD AGAIN! Collect first map. BOF ranking points for each sprint. Your times will be added to achieve final placings.

The gardens are open to the public until 6pm. Therefore the first race will be run while they are open so please run thoughtfully.

EVERYTHING IS AT THE HARROGATE ARMS CAFE – please remain here before, during and after the races. You may leave and return through the same gate in order to warm-up using the path which runs behind the cafe into Birk Crag (or to collect your dibber you accidentally left in your car).

We have ample space reserved just for us within the cafe. You can leave bags here. Please note that other areas of the cafe are open to the public until 5.30 so change in the toilet area only. There are plenty of toilets and an accessible toilet.

All starts and the finish are directly outside. Enquiries (with hire dibbers) and Download are inside.

There will be one start for WYJ, MYJ, WHV, WGV, MGV and Accessible orienteers. You will start as normal with 2 minute gaps. No start times; simply turn up and go.

Everyone else will start from the adjacent Sprint Start. You will start at 20 second intervals. We request that those who know themselves to be fast hold back and allow those who know themselves to be slower to start earlier. After your first run, you must download and hand in your map. You are then welcome to start your second run as soon as you wish (once it is declared open – probably from 5.30ish). You can collect your first map straight after your second run.

If it is a dull day you may wish to use a head torch during your second race – it will not be dark, however the dusk could make reading the map tricky under the trees.

Food and prize-giving
For those who have pre-ordered it, the hot meal will be served from 6.45pm: Vegetable and Bean Chilli with Rice plus Soft Drink (vegan, gluten and nut free). Hot drinks, alcoholic drinks, sandwiches and cakes can be purchased at the cafe. Prize-giving asap once racing is complete. Prizes will be for all winners whether Northern or not: First place in senior urban categories (including M/W20- and Grander Vets M/W85+) and first three in Young Junior, Junior and Accessible categories.

New map by Quentin Harding. 1:3000. 2.5m contours. Terrain will include everything within the gardens; paths, lawns, longer grass areas and woodlands. Shoes with some grip may be preferable to road trainers. No Dobs. Shorts and vests are fine (although the forecast is currently a tad cool) as there is no need to go through the thicker vegetation if you plan your routes. Loose descriptions and on your map.

Familiarise yourself with Do Not Cross urban mapping regulations, in particular flower beds (olive green) and shrubbery (darkest green). Also thick black lines for uncrossable walls and fences. Should you realise you have transgressed, let us know at download. You will not be automatically disqualified. We will consider whether damage was done (very bad) or you gained an unfair advantage (pretty bad).

Both runs will count separately for your BOF ranking points. This evening’s winners are determined by adding both course times.

Those on Sprint Course 4: Your Planner suggests you visually acquaint yourself with the course on your map soon after starting to increase your chances of going round with no mishaps.

There is a little climb on all courses.

Approx actual
No of
1. WYJ (W12-), MYJ (M12-)Part 1 – 1.1k
Part 2 – 1.0k
Part 1 – 1.4k
Part 2 – 1.3k
Technically and physically easier. TD2.
2. WHV (W75+), WGV (W85+),
MGV (M85+)
Part 1 – 1.1k
Part 2 – 1.0k
Part 1 – 1.4k
Part 2 – 1.4k
Technically harder. Physically easier. TD3.
3. Accessible – for those in
wheelchairs or with mobility issues
Part 1 – 1.2k
Part 2 – 0.9k
Part 1 – 1.4k
Part 2 – 1.1k
Taking place on paths; some very smooth,
some gravelly. TD2.
4. All others on the Sprint CoursePart 1 – 2.0k
Part 2 – 2.1k
Part 1 – 2.6k
Part 2 – 2.7k
Take care to run the course as printed on your map.
These will be variously gaffled, butterflied, looped,
twirled and twizzled. TD3.

Should you wish to arrive early to enjoy the gardens, you will need to pay to enter. We request that from 3pm onwards you are at the Harrogate Arms cafe as we will be putting out controls. Thank you. Dogs are not permitted in the gardens.

Wendy Carlyle (AIRE) will be taking photographs for us. The club photography policy is here.

Planner: Ruth Ker. Mapper and Controller: Quentin Harding. Organisers & Entry Enquiries: Katie Gray & June Graham (