
Claro League 2022 final results

We have finally concluded this year’s league with our double event weekend at Brimham and Ellington Banks. The scores have been calculated and the final standings linked in below.

From the 11 events that were included in this year’s league, only one was not organised by our club. That event was the Compass Sport Trophy heat organised by one of our neighbouring clubs EBOR where we had an amazing turnout of 44 club members and a great club spirit fostered. Next year we will probably include all designated ‘Claro Caper Events’ in to this league.

For the 10 in-house events it requires someone to plan/organise the event for the others to enjoy. To reward these key people in the league we give them a score for their event that is the average of their best three events. Next year we will probably give all these stalwarts the full 100 points for each event they put on.

This league recognises that those new to orienteering, and the ones who have been doing it for too long, are not the fastest and so the calculated score is based on your result, your age, your gender and how experienced an orienteer you are. In addition, to spread the happiness around more club members, we changed the rules so that an individual can only win the trophy once in each each group and not in consecutive years when changing age groups. In the first year of this new rule, it came into effect so someone else can show off the trophy.

To qualify for this league you just needed to be a member of Claro and take part in as many of the events listed as you could manage to attend and then you could run any of the courses on offer. Your best seven scores from the twelve events produced your final score. 

To see how the final scores, please browse the main Club League 2022 page.

Until 2023…..
