Compass Sport Trophy
The CompassSport Cup and Trophy are the annual national inter-club competitions. Larger clubs compete in the Cup and smaller clubs (less than 125 members) in the Trophy. Geographically based heats are held in February and regional winners go on to the national final in November.
This year our heat will be on Sunday 15th March 2015. It will probably be one of the best chances we have had for several years to do well and we have a great chance of making the final, so please put it in your diary. Whilst it is hosted by NEOA this year, it is quite near, at Hamsterley Common near Darlington.
Our team manager is Mike Hind and you can reach him at:
Here is a summary of the Rules:
There are nine different CompassSport Classes, with courses planned to the colour coded standards shown below. The two Blue courses must be different. The two Green courses must be different. The extent of these differences is a matter for the Planner.
Class | Course | Eligible Age Classes | Course Size |
1 | Brown | Men Open | Large |
2 | Short Brown | M20- M40+ | Large |
3 | Blue Women | Women Open | Large |
4 | Blue Men | M50+ | Large |
5 | Green Women | W45+ W20- | Large |
6 | Green Men | M60+ | Large |
7 | Veterans Short Green | M70+ W60+ | Large |
8A | Junior Men (Green) | M18- | Small |
8B | Junior Women (Short Green) | W18- | Small |
9A | Orange Men | M14- | Small |
9B | Orange Women | W14- | Small |
Notes: The two Blue courses (3 & 4) must be different. The Green courses (5 & 6) must be different. The course for class 8A can be the same Green course as used for class 6, however the results must be displayed separately. The course for class 8B can be the same Short Green course as used for class 7, however the results must be displayed separately. Only one Orange course needs to be planned for classes 9A & 9B, however the results must be displayed separately.
There is no limit to the number of runners a club may field. No runner may run competitively more than once per match.
Age classes are those applicable in the year of the competition.
Any competitor may run up an age class or classes, but not necessarily a course. Thus (for example) a W18, rather than competing in Class 8B, may run up as a W20 and compete in Class 5, but may not run in Classes 6 or 7.
Women may run as Men e.g. a W45 could run as an M45 in Class 2.
The CompassSport Cup and CompassSport Trophy are to be treated as two entirely separate competitions when taking place at the same event. On each course
there will therefore be one set of scores starting at 100 for the Cup and another set starting at 100 for the Trophy.
The winner of each CompassSport class scores 100 points.
Every competitor receives a score based on their finishing position.
Scoring on each ‘large’ CompassSport Class will be 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, etc.
Scoring on each ‘small’ CompassSport Class will be 100, 98, 96, 94, 92, etc.
If two runners tie for a place, both runners will score the points appropriate for that place.
The next runner scores 2 points less on a ‘large’ course or 4 points less on a ‘small’ course (eg. if two runners on a ‘large’ course each score 98 points, the next scores 96 points;
If two runners on a ‘small’ course each score 96 points, the next scores 92 points)
Compass Sport Trophy team score:
- 13 scores to count
- a maximum of 2 counters from any one ‘Large’ CompassSport class
- a maximum of 2 counters from each pair of ‘Small’ CompassSport classes. e.g.
- two from 8A, none from 8B; one from 8A, one from 8B; none from 8A, two from 8B; etc.
The winner shall be the team with the highest points total. Where clubs finish on equal points, positions will be determined by looking at the best scores of the 26th (Cup) or 14th (Trophy) eligible counter (ie. from within the maximum number of counters per course) for each team. Then, if needed, the next best and so on.
Results should be determined on the day.
In the event of a course or courses being voided, the result shall be decided on the courses not voided. In the event of 2 courses being voided then the number of scorers will be Cup – 20 and Trophy – 10.
Right, I hope that is crystal clear to everyone! What it means is that we need the greatest turnout possible because although only two bodies can count their scores on any course, other bodies can reduce the points scored by other clubs by pushing their runners down the leader board.