Autumn Tue Evening series results.
Six evening events around the Claro area – social and fun!
Date | Venue | Grid Ref | MapRun Name | Organiser | Results |
27 Sep | Ripon | SE315708 | WaterRat Autumn22 | David Day | Combined Tracks |
11 Oct | Central Harrogate | SE298533 | ClaroAGMlampO | Quentin Harding | Combined Tracks |
25 Oct | Knaresborough | SE345572 | WorldsEndLampO | Susan Birtwistle | Combined Tracks |
8 Nov | The Knox, Bilton | SE300573 | BiltonKnox | Linda Kelly | Combined Tracks |
22 Nov | High Harrogate | SE312555 | High Harrogate | Mark David | Combined Tracks |
6 Dec | Pateley Bridge | SE157655 | PateleyBridgeCrown | Liz Potterton | Combined Tracks |
Our event at Pateley Bridge brought this series of six to a successful conclusion.
Many thanks to all the planner/organisers who allowed this to happen, both in terms of the LampO and the very sociable gatherings in the pub afterwards. If you would like to be one of these wonderful people then please offer, help is available every step of the way.
Event entry
Entry to the events is by pre-entry only via the Google form CLICK HERE
Entries before 1700 on the Monday before the event if entering events individually.
Events can be entered individually at £3 per event (£1 for an Under 16 to include one supervisor) OR you can enter all 6 events at once (season ticket) for £15; £5 for Under 16 as above.
Any Entry enquiries to Linda Kelly on
All events: briefing and map issue at 1815, start at 1830. Individual late starters will be accommodated up to 1845.
Because events are on public roads, under-16s must be supervised by an adult if taking part – this is due to British Orienteering insurance requirements. All welcome!
Event format
45 minute score event, with 30 controls. The object of a score event is to visit as many controls in the time available. You score 20 points for each control, but lose 10 points for every minute or part of minute late back. Maps are simplified orienteering maps, showing roads and most paths.
Two alternative methods are used to record controls, either using MapRun software on Garmin watch or smartphone, or a rather more traditional paper method. If you’ve not used MapRun before, you can give it a go with permanently available score events at, where there is also a link to how to use MapRun. Details for downloading courses for each event will be provided in individual event details. You can choose which punching method you would like to use at each event up until the point of starting, and help with either system is available at the briefing.
Any non-entry queries to: Quentin Harding on (a whizz with MapRun!)
Individual events: £3 paid on the night. A card machine will be available at events. Cash can be accepted, but only exact amount please – no change available.
Season ticket option: £15 by bank transfer to this account: Account Name: Claro Orienteering Club; Sort Code: 30-93-91; Account No: 00419604 Reference: ‘LampO’ followed by your surname.