Brimham Rocks YHOA Middle Distance Championships 24 November 2019
Thank you to all who came and enjoyed Scramble O today. I believe (almost) everyone agreed Quentin’s map and courses were outstanding. Any prize winner (first adult or first three on MW10-16) who missed out on their prizes, let me know on and we will do our best to liaise and get them to you.
Results are up. All those involved would really appreciate viewing your experience on route gadget.
We would also like your feedback on the event, To help us develop and improve our club events, CLARO is participating in a participant satisfaction programme set up by British Orienteering. We would be grateful if you could spare 5-8 mins to share your thoughts by filling in this survey. Your feedback is very much appreciated and will help shape the delivery of future events.
Thanks to Quentin, Andrew and Susan. And all the Claro helpers on the day.