CLARO AGM Tue Oct 10th
Our AGM will be held on Tuesday 10th October 2023 2000hrs, at The Old Bell, Royal Parade, Harrogate. It will be preceded at 1830 by the second Autumn Evenings series event , from the same venue: precise location details on the event page.
As a special event to mark the success of our fabulous EuroCity weekend (amongst other things!), the club committee has agreed that the club will fund a buffet style dinner this year, free to all club members attending the AGM. This will be at 1930, between the event and the AGM.
Places for the meal MUST be pre-booked by Friday Oct 6th, by contacting Ruth (see below). Bookings after this date will have to pay! Vegetarian available, gluten free on request. It means a lot to the club to have as many of us there as possible; those who’ve been before can vouch that, as meetings go, this is not a tedious one!
Some business must be attended to, most importantly ratifying the accounts and personnel in the key posts for next year. These are then confirmed with BOF and the club reaffiliated for another year. Tim will be providing a run-through of next years plans and hoping for volunteers to help. There is space on the committee for a General Member – please consider putting yourself forward. If you are keen to fulfil another role please get in touch.
A full agenda has been circulated to club members. If you have not received this, please contact the secretary (details below)
Ruth Ker, Secretary, contact here